Our Vancouver veterinarians are able to provide protection against various parasites and diseases that are harmful to your pet.

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Protection & Prevention

At Mountain View Veterinary Hospital, we believe that preventive care is critical to ensure the health and safety of your pet.

Along with routine wellness exams, pet vaccinations and parasite prevention are all necessary for the overall health and well-being of your dog or cat. 

Our vets aim to provide your pet with the best chance of living a long and healthy life that includes a custom preventive care plan. 

Vaccinations & Parasite Prevention Services, Vancouver

Vaccination & Reproductive Surgery Schedule

Cat vaccinations and dog vaccinations are crucial steps in protecting your furry companion from a variety of contagious, and dangerous diseases. Your vet will also be able to provide protection for certain cancers and reproductive conditions by having your pet spayed or neutered. These forms of preventive surgery are also beneficial in helping to prevent a range of unwanted behaviors in your dog or cat such and scooting and howling. 

Cat and Kitten Vaccinations

It is imperative that your cat or kitten receives the following vaccinations and preventive care:

Dog and Puppy Vaccinations

It is imperative that your dog or puppy receives the following vaccinations and preventive care:

Parasite Prevention

Parasites in the Vancouver area are a serious health risk to people and animals. These parasites carry various diseases that could be detrimental to the health of your cat or dog and could possibly even be transmitted to any people or animals that they come into contact with. Some of the most common parasites that we protect against are:


Fleas are external parasites that reproduce very quickly and can infest your pets and household. These parasites feed on the blood of their host. 


These external parasites survive on the blood of mammals and utilize animals to move from host to host. Ticks can cause various types of serious diseases.

Ear Mites

Ear mites are known for continuously reproducing over the course of their lifetime. These parasites typically choose to reside in the ear canals of their host.


A heartworm is a thread-like parasitic roundworm that is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito and survives within the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of the infected host.


Hookworms prefer to reside within the digestive tract of dogs and cats and readily feed on the blood of their host. One of the most common conditions caused by hookworms is anemia.


This parasitic worm lives their lifespan within the intestines of its host and feeds on the partially digested contents while causing your pet to lose valuable nutrients.


If your pet swallows fleas during the grooming process, they are at risk of contracting tapeworms. Tapeworms prefer to live within the intestines of the pet they have infected.


Whipworms are transmitted when a dog ingests soil that has been contaminated with the feces of an infected dog. Whipworms are a serious health risk to dogs and action should be taken immediately.

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